I had been hearing about Tangier Island in the Chesapeake from Lou and Tony since their last trip there two years ago. As we approached, we could see all of the fishing sheds up on stilts since the flood waters are so high here. The island is flat as a pancake. You can almost see one end while looking from the other. The residents travel by b

ike and golf carts and we were fortunate enough to be given a tour in one by Mr. Parks, the 76 year old owner of the marina where we docked. As we traveled, he would stop occasionally to speak to neighbors and friends. His family is the largest on the island and he was a waterman all of his life, but finally gave it up two years ago since he was losing money. Despite the insular community, the population is declining due to economic difficulties.

While exploring, we passed by the school which had been rebuilt on a higher level to prevent flooding. You could see bicycles from small to large belonging to the students inside. In the afternoon, we visited the local hardware store

Later that day, we ate dinner family style at the Chesapeake House. This family style restaurant seats you with other diners and brings out about 10 different dishes including crab cakes and clam fritters. The dishes are shared among all while you get to know your tablemates. We were lucky. We met John and Larry, two sailors from the area who were exploring the Bay for a vacation.